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Short Courses – Continuing Education

CGPR Short Courses

The Geotechnical Engineering Faculty members at Virginia Tech, in cooperation with colleagues from CGPR member firms and other universities, have presented a number of continuing education courses for employees of member firms and, in some cases, non-member firms. Lower registration fees are charged for CGPR members. Lecture notes are provided to attendees, and professional development credits are awarded through the Continuing Education Division at Virginia Tech.

The topics for continuing education courses are determined through discussion between the CGPR members and the geotechnical engineering faculty.

1Shear Strength of Soils for DesignDecember 14-15, 2015Correctly assessing the shear strength of soils is often a critical component of geotechnical engineering design. This course examines fundamental concepts of shear strength and the engineering behind the specification and interpretation of field and laboratory tests to obtain reliable shear strengths for practical design. Shear strength assessment using laboratory tests, field tests, correlations, and analytical techniques will be discussed. Along with addressing general soil types, like clays and sands; the special categories of compacted clay, low-plasticity silts, and organic clays and peats will be covered.
2Geotechnical Aspects of Earthquake EngineeringDecember 6-7, 2011Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering is a practical short course that covers the basics of earthquake geology and engineering seismology, procedures for evaluating the seismic stability of slopes and retaining walls, and procedures for evaluating liquefaction potential and associated phenomena.
3Soil Strength and Slope StabilityDecember 3-4, 2008Soil Strength and Slope Stability is a practical short course that covers the factors that determine drained and undrained strengths of soils, and methods of evaluating the stability of slopes using computer programs and simple approximate methods. For more information please read the following brochure.
4Geotechnical Applications of Geophysical MethodsMay 15-16, 2006Geotechnical Applications of Geophysical Methods is an introductory short course on how proven geophysical methods can be used to compliment traditional subsurface investigations, and which geophysical methods are best suited for particular geotechnical engineering applications and sites.
5Soil Improvement: Technologies, Design, and PerformanceDecember 11-12, 2006Soil Improvement: Technologies, Design, and Performance is a practical short course that covers a wide range of soil improvement technologies, including blast densification, compaction piles, deep dynamic compaction, vibro-compaction, vibro-stone columns, deep soil mixing, permeation grouting, compaction grouting, jet grouting, gravel drains, electro-osmosis, freezing, and heating. Technology applicability, degree of improvement, design, performance, and QA/QC are all addressed. Seismic applications are emphasized.
6Specifying and Interpreting Geotechnical Lab TestsDecember 12-13, 2005Specifying and Interpreting Geotechnical Lab Tests is a practical short course on selecting appropriate soil laboratory tests, establishing proper test parameters, and interpreting test results to characterize soil behavior for geotechnical engineering applications. Course participants will gain familiarity with these and other topics related to specifying and interpreting geotechnical laboratory tests. Hands-on testing and laboratory demonstrations are not part of the course. Course Notes Available
7Settlement of Structures and EmbankmentsJuly 17-18, 2003This course was offered in a two-day format in San Francisco, CA on July 17-18, 2003 and in Long Beach, CA on July 21-22, 2003. Settlement of Structures and Embankments is a practical short course focusing on methods and tools for estimating and controlling settlements of buildings, embankments, landfills, and bridges. Dr. J. Michael Duncan and Dr. George M. Filz taught the course. Participants received comprehensive course notes and software programs (CONSOL 3.0, SetCalc 1.0, ZSTRESS 2.0, SchmertmannStrainInfluence worksheet). Course Notes Available
8East Coast Seismicity, Ground Motions, and Liquefaction SeminarApril 25, 2000This course was offered in Dulles, Virginia on April 25, 2000. Professor Mitchell and Professor Martin covered the characteristics and distributions of earthquakes in the Eastern U.S., methods for estimating the potential shaking intensity and duration, and recent developments in building codes and sources of information for engineering design. The latest procedures for evaluating the liquefaction potential at specific sites were presented. Course Notes Available.
9Slope Stability SeminarJuly 23 and 26, 1999This course has been offered three times -- in Richmond, Virginia in May 22, 1998, in Long Beach, California on July 23, 1999, and in San Francisco, California on July 26, 1999. The course was taught by Professor Duncan and Professor Stephen Wright of the University of Texas at Austin. Course Notes Available
10Ground Improvement SeminarOctober 30, 1998This course has been offered once -- in Baltimore, Maryland on October 30, 1998. This course was taught by Professor Mitchell and several experienced practitioners from notable national consulting and specialty contracting firms.